Criminal Justice Speaker Series beings in place of job fair

Brady's Roadhouse

Normally, around this time of year, the Department of Criminal Justice and Social Science would host their annual Criminal Justice Job/Internship Fair. This year, with the pandemic still raging, the Criminal Justice Speaker Series will begin in its place.

From noon to 12:50 p.m. every Thursday throughout the spring 2021 semester, various criminal justice agencies will present and share field information for students. All criminal justice majors received an invitation to the series via the Handshake platform.

“These agencies are recruiting for internships and full-time employment, so it is a great opportunity for students to hear about the jobs and make a connection with the recruiters,” Adam Jack, chairperson for the Department of Criminal Justice and Social Science, said.

According to Jack, some of the presenters include Ocean City Police Department; Arlington County Virginia Police Department; Duquesne Law School; The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; George Junior Republic; and Washington County Probation.

All freshmen criminal justice majors are required to attend the speaker series for their career development class. T.J. Hyland, a senior criminal justice major, plans on attending the series throughout the semester even though it is not a requirement for any of his classes.

“Not only is [the speaker series] a great way to get more information about what each department or agency does and what the job looks like, but it will also create networking for students who are getting ready to transition into the workforce or are unsure of what they want to do and want more information,” Hyland said.

Hyland will graduate at the end of the spring 2021 semester, so this series is what he describes as, “another great way for me to get my name out there and get connected to a possible job in the future.”

This professional development opportunity also, as Hyland explains, helps students understand what each position in law enforcement entails before they go into the workforce one day.

The next Criminal Justice Speaker Series will be held Thursday, Feb. 18 at noon.