Integrated marketing class at Waynesburg to hold “Dodge for a Difference” event

An integrated marketing class at Waynesburg University will be hosting the “Dodge for a Difference” charity event April 20 in conjunction with the Best of the Batch Foundation to help children in need.

This event acts as a project in Dr. Alexander Regina’s integrated marketing class. Last year’s “Fisch for a Cure” charity event also came from the same class.

“Last year’s ‘Fisch for a Cure’ was a great success, and we hope to replicate that,” Regina said. “A project like this allows us to serve our mission at Waynesburg, while also having students take part in valuable experiential learning.”

The charity this year is the Best of the Batch Foundation, founded by former Pittsburgh Steelers player Charlie Batch. Regina described it as an organization that gives children “safe spaces” during the process of growing older, and promotes their “physical, spiritual and mental well-being.”

The core idea behind the event can be found in the first line of the GoFundMe page: “Every child has a story; they just need somebody to listen.”

“We realized that every one of us had a person in our lives that had a profound impact on us,” Regina said. “A lot of kids don’t have that; too many kids don’t have that.”

The event is run almost entirely by his Integrated Marketing class. He told them the first day of class that this would be their big project.

“I was very excited,” Joseph Veneziale, a student in the class, said. “I’m very excited to be a part of this. I’ve been working a lot with the other students that are involved as well.”

Each student was assigned a specific role within the project to help it run smoothly.

“I am running the Facebook page for the event, so I’m going to be reaching out, posting sponsorships, posting GoFundMe links, things of that nature,” Veneziale said. “Different students are doing different parts of the event to help the event come to fruition.”

Veneziale also mentioned that some of the other roles that students have include design work, ticket sale management and keeping in close contact with the Batch Foundation.

The day of the dodgeball tournament will be used to raise extra money for the cause. Attendees will also be able to purchase t-shirts and raffle tickets at the event. Regina also has a few hopeful expectations for “Dodge for a Difference.”

“We’re hoping to have Charlie himself participate, as well as some former Pittsburgh Steelers and faculty in the dodgeball tournament,” he said.

Ultimately, Regina wants his students to come away from this having learned something.

“With events like this, students learn how to network, engage in event planning, engage in integrated marketing communications and use that hands-on experience to make an impact on the community,” he said. “We’re using our marketing skills to make a difference while learning along the way.” For those interested in donating, the GoFundMe page is here. For those who want to purchase tickets for “Dodge for a Difference” on April 20, the website to do so is here.