It all starts locally

Last week, my column focused on the common myths and propaganda tools perpetuated by the two-party system to keep third parties out of contention for the presidency. While these are important to be aware of, it still may not be enough to sway your opinion on the 2020 election, and that’s okay.

Where all of these myths really show their hypocrisy is at the state and local level. This isn’t the most important attorney general’s election of our lifetimes. Your third party vote for mayor isn’t wasted. 

Government is the most influential closer to home, where it operates. Your local and state governments have a much more profound impact on your daily life than the federal government, despite the fact that you won’t see them on TV as much.

For this reason, it is incredibly important to know who your choices are and to select the best candidate for the job. Third parties are a lot more successful at the state and local level, because smaller circles of impact can make a larger difference. If the only reason you are voting D or R in the presidential election is fear of the other side occupying the presidency, then why not vote third party locally?

In Pennsylvania there are a number of qualified third-party candidates on the ballot for state positions that could make a much more impactful change to your life.

Daniel Wassmer is running as the Libertarian candidate for Attorney General. Wassmer is running on an anti-corruption campaign that is backed by over 30 years of experience with law.

Richard Weiss is the Green Party nominee for this position, supporting major criminal justice reform. 

For Pennsylvania Auditor, Jennifer Moore is running as the Libertarian nominee after serving as the elected Auditor for Upper Providence Township in Montgomery County. For the Green Party, Dr. Nina Ahmad is running on experience as Deputy Mayor for Public Engagement in Philadelphia.

For Treasurer, Joseph Soloski has the Libertarian nomination, running on term limits for legislators, cutting legislator pay and benefits, reducing state spending, eliminating the inheritance tax and expanding the hemp industry. The Green Party nominee, Timothy Runkle, has been involved with the state party since 2005, working on accessibility projects for third-parties and writing letters to the editor in central Pennsylvania focused on peace, justice, ecology and democracy.

These candidates represent on-ballot third-party nominees at the state level, but it doesn’t stop there. Your local elections could very well have write-in campaigns that represent individual issues that get overlooked by typical candidates.

It is important to seek out these campaigns as well, and even start your own if you or someone you know wants to hold an office. We are all a part of our government, and can make a difference at the local level. It’s never too late, write-ins can win local elections on election day with hard work and good networking. Real change starts at the local level, and your impact and influence can grow each year you actively participate in the process.