Pipe construction in Carmichaels to last until the spring

In late January, the construction of a replacement gas line started in Carmichaels, but plans will not be complete until early spring.

Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania will be replacing an older pipeline made of steel, now going with a newer pipe of polyethylene.

The reason for the change in the pipe is a corrosion build up over years of usage, according to company spokesperson Lee Gierczynski.

Those in the community will be contacted directly when their power will be shut off, then again when it will be put back on.

If any home has a meter, it will be moved to outside, free of charge to the customers.

According to the company website, the pipeline will be 5,400 feet underground and the contruction will take place Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and some weekends may see some work.

Gierczynski said the project will impact the main gas line and will also have impact on those in the Greene county area.

“As part of the project we are going to be replacing the main gas line in Greene County,” said Gierczynski.  “We are going to replace the service line to the customers’ homes and that’s gonna be done all throughout this project.”

When pipelines are being switched from one to another, depending on the location, people could see their services be withheld for a few hours, but it will be back on before the day is over, according to Gierczynski.

With such large-scale construction, the process has also closed off some roads where a lot of workers will be deployed.

“There may be some lane restrictions,” said Gierczynski.

In this regard, Gierczynski’s main concern was drivers’ speed and safety habits during the long construction process.

“Our focus is safety and we ask drivers to slow down for the least possible amount of inconvenience as the pipeline is being put in,” said Gierczynski.

More importantly, Gierczynski wants people to focus on the safety of those affected by the new pipeline, as it is slowly installed over the next couple of months.

“Safety is Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania’s mission, to be practically safe as they replace the pipeline,” said Gierczynski.

While workers are going from home to home, it is important to ensure they are indeed coming to for services related to the pipeline.

Gierczynski encouraged home owners to ask for identification from people trying to enter your home.

“Ask for identification if someone comes to your door,” said Gierczynski. “Our service crew members have identification on them, if anyone has any questions they can ask questions.”

The new pipeline will last more than 60 years before also having to be replaced again, Gierczynski said.