Venues like Heinz Field, Beaver Stadium and Lincoln Financial Field all have one thing in common: a video board. Soon, Waynesburg University’s John F. Wiley Stadium will acquire a board as well.
The news broke a little over a week ago on Twitter that Waynesburg’s football, soccer and lacrosse home field will be receiving a video board on top of its scoreboard. This is something that not many neighboring schools have.
“I love the idea of having the state-of-the-art board,” Waynesburg Athletic Director Adam Jack said. “I really believe what gives us an edge is not only having [the board], but how we are going to utilize it.”
Jack said he plans on having students from the Department of Communication assist in running the board on game days. He plans on having students create graphics and use instant replay during sporting events.
“I think we have a really unique situation here with this expertise available to help us get every last ounce out of this video board that we can,” Jack said.
Jack said meetings with coaches and staff began as soon as he took over to help put the project into motion.
The university initially reached out to a marketing firm called Slam Dunk Sports, headquartered in Middletown, Ohio, for the pricing and design of the board.
“They help you to facilitate a purchase of a new scoreboard and other things like that,” Jack said. “We just told them what we were looking for and they came back with a project for us and we agreed to it.”
So far, Jack said, the athletic department is already on the next phase of the project.
“We are now in the process of funding the board,” Jack said. “As soon as that funding [arrives] the board will be set up and we’re going to be able to do some great things with it.”
Even though the video board is not up and running yet, it’s already making an impact on athletics in recruiting.
“Anytime you get anything state-of-the-art like that I believe it shows we’re moving in the right direction,” Jack said. “Kids take note of that when they are on visits.”
Not only will the new video board at John F. Wiley Stadium be involved with athletics, Jack wants it to be used for community outreach as well.
“We are also excited to engage the community with it too,” Jack said. “Perhaps movie nights on the turf with kids to involve the community some more.”
As far as upgrades, they go beyond the video board. Nothing definite has been put into place, but Jack anticipates more enhancements to the athletic department in the years to come.
“This is just a snapshot of the momentum we are gaining here in athletics,” he said. “I think we’re starting to move in the right direction.”