Waynesburg University to hold upcoming career fairs

Waynesburg University likes to provide its students with plenty of opportunities to prepare them for their lives after graduation. 

Two of these opportunities coming up are the criminal justice career and internship fair and the health care career fair. The criminal justice fair is being held on Oct. 26, and the health care one is on Nov. 2.

This is the first year that the criminal justice fair is back to full strength since the pandemic. 

“We have been told by many employers that this is one of the finest job and internship fairs that they go to.” Adam Jack, the chairperson for the criminal justice and social science departments,  said, “The student will be exposed to federal, state and local agencies.” 

Right now they are up to 40 registered agencies, they could have up to 50 agencies present for the fair. Adam Jack does require all criminal justice students to attend, but more than just criminal justice majors are welcome to come. 

Jack has the students dress up, and the upperclassmen walk around with suits on and resumes in hand. The underclassmen are there to walk around and ask questions to the professionals present. 

“It’s a great experience for them. Even if they aren’t ready to go looking for a job or internship, it’s still a great experience,” said Jack. 

This will be the fourth year that the criminal justice department will be holding this fair. This event has helped a number of students find jobs and internships. 

“People come from far away to talk to our students.”  Jack said, “I think that’s what I’m most proud of, is that people are traveling from Virginia and Ocean City, Maryland to come talk to my students. It’s a testament to how well our graduates have done out in the world.” 

Both of these career fairs are hosted by the Pathways Center on campus. Sarah Bell, who is the assistant director of the Pathways Center, has had a big role in planning both of these events. 

The health care fair coming up is being hosted for a number of majors, including nursing, health care management, psychology, counseling, athletic training and any pre-professional programs. 

“The benefit of having or attending a career fair for students is it’s a great networking opportunity,” said Bell. “Students can connect directly with employers, especially regional ones and can potentially land jobs or internships as a result of going to an event that’s on campus.” 

“At the end of the day, students who are taking those extra steps to be connected with employers or getting professional experience are going to stand out.” 

Recently, the Pathways Center has launched the “Career Closet” on campus, giving equal access to resources walking in into the career fairs. 

“Students have free access to professional clothing,” said Sarah. 

For the health care career fair, this is the first year the Pathways Center is partnering with PA CareerLink Greene County. They are a community organization that is a career development office for the Greene County community. 

“This is the first year that we are hosting the health career fair in this capacity,” said Bell.

They have hosted a nursing career fair in the past, but this is the first time they have changed it to a health care fair, to open it up to more students. Bell wants students to know that going to these career fairs is not as scary as it seems, it may seem intimidating, but don’t let that stop you from going.