What does the 2024-2025 school year have in store for the Pathways Center?

Here at Waynesburg University, many changes are coming underway, and the Pathways Center is one entity being impacted by such change.So far, the Center did not have a designated spot on campus, as there were multiple areas in which the Center offered its services. By the start of the spring semester however, the Pathways Center hopes to reintroduce itself as a centralized department on the bottom floor of Eberly Library. 

“Comprehensive student support is what we do [at The Pathways Center],” Academic Services Coordinator and Pathways Center Staff Samantha Pete said. “It encompasses a lot of different services.”  Academic Support, Tutoring, Disability Services, the Mentoring Program and the Act 101 Program are just a few listed by Pete. 

 According to the Pathways Referral Guide, the Writing Center and Library Services have recently conjoined with the center. “The Writing Center on campus is where students can go and have either feedback on work that they have already completed, or if they want advice on where to start or generate ideas.” Pete explained. As for Library Services, this service refers to the many resources that students receive to help guide them throughout Eberly. One being that all books in the library are put into different sections based on their corresponding programs. Students are given an organized list of these sections to help them during their visit. This, in addition to library hours, can be found on the Eberly Library Waynesburg University website, which is linked on the University’s main website.

Other changes to the Pathways Center include the Career Closet. It will be moved from its current location in Buhl Hall Room 203. This service gives students access to professional business wear free of cost. With so many areas to assist in, the Pathways Center is an outlet to help students navigate their college journey.

Since the new center location is still being prepared, the bottom floor of Eberly is closed for all of the fall semester. “The last update that I got is that demo is now done,” said Pete. Based on this information, she said she believes that the process of construction started not too long ago.

As stated, the Pathways Center has been used to help accommodate returning and new students’ lives at Waynesburg, but to add to that, it has been used to support students in reaching toward their goals outside its walls. As the campus community  waits in anticipation for the grand opening of the new and improved Pathways Center, students, faculty and staff can anticipate all the things it will soon have to offer.