Greene County updates its Pictometry

Last November, Greene County invested in an update to the county’s Pictometry. Pictometry, which is patented by EagleView, is a form of “aerial imagery” that can map out terrain in high quality, as stated by a brochure found on the company’s website. Betsy McClure, Greene County commissioner, said that the funds for the investment came … Continue reading

Local agency celebrates International Women’s Day

On March 8, the world celebrated International Women’s Day, which is, according to the International Women’s Day website, “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.” While IWD celebrates the achievements of women worldwide, it also marks a call to action to push for women’s equality. The Domestic Violence Services … Continue reading

Two Waynesburg University Alumni create documentary

The Greene County Historical Society attempts to preserve the deep, rich history of Greene County, PA. Filmmakers and Waynesburg University alumni Paul Hicks and Harry Oakes have put together a story, told in an 11-minute documentary, to showcase the history behind Greensboro’s early glass and pottery industry. “I think the Historical Society plays a key … Continue reading

Dains elected President of Greene County United Way

Despite the year’s pandemic challenges, newly elected President of Greene County United Way’s Board of Directors, Joshuah Dains, is excited about what the future holds.  “Something I’m excited about is all of the change going on in the world right now. Whenever incredible change like this is happening, that gives organizations and people the opportunity … Continue reading

Greene County declares itself a Second Amendment sanctuary

On Feb. 4, the Greene County commissioners voted to make Greene County a Second Amendment sanctuary. Greene County’s decision follows neighboring Fayette County, which adopted its own resolution March of last year. According to Mike Belding, Greene County Commissioner, Second Amendment sanctuaries are counties, boroughs, or towns where the local government decides not to enforce … Continue reading

County adjusts to unbalanced budget

Greene County’s 2021 budget includes a property tax increase of an average of 4.25% per residence, as well as several other changes made to restructure funding including reduced staffing, offering an early retirement program and restructuring long-term debt. The deficit in the budget has decreased from $5.45 million to $4.18 million in 2020. The new … Continue reading

Will Greene County survive?

Belding airs concerns over county future

“Our future is literally in peril,” warns Greene County Commissioner, Mike Belding. After his first year in office as commissioner, Belding reflects on the year’s accomplishments and challenges.  Belding claims to have faced political strife while pushing for projects and believes Greene County must embrace a “unity of effort” in order to survive.  “As a … Continue reading

Commissioners’ meetings for the month of February

Editor’s Note: The Greene County Commissioners Wednesday meetings are being reported by The Yellow Jacket in-person. Thursday meetings are being reported via the live stream on the Greene County Commissioners Facebook page.   On February 18, the Greene County Commissioners met to discuss issues involving COVID-19, various service agreements seeking approval and staff appointments. The … Continue reading

Local drive-in open in off-season

The full history of the Skyview Drive-In in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania is shrouded in a cloud of mystery. Supposedly, the drive-in was built in 1946 and opened in July of ‘46. The current owners, Charles (Chuck) and Elizabeth (Liz) Walker bought the drive-in in April of 2007 after a long, personal history there. “I had started … Continue reading

Rec center to host 48th annual wrestling tournament

The EQT REC Center of Waynesburg is partnering with the Waynesburg Youth Wrestling Program for their 48th Annual Youth Wrestling Tournament on Feb. 21 at 9 a.m. “The members of the wrestling board, along with High School Varsity Coach, Joe Throckmorton, our employee and coach, Adam Dicken and myself have put together, what I believe … Continue reading