Sailing at Greene County Airport

At the Greene County Airport, guests have an opportunity to sail, but not in a sailboat. Guests can take to the skies in sailplanes. A sailplane is essentially an airplane without an engine, but it is constructed differently than the airliner or some other small airplane that may be seen in that it has very … Continue reading

Waynesburg campus to host blood drive

In January of 2022, the American Red Cross declared the first ever blood crisis. The crisis stayed and the nation is still in a shortage of blood. As stated on the American Red Cross website, every two seconds someone in the country needs blood.  Jo Hart, MLT, director of the lab at Greene County Medical … Continue reading

New bookstore opens in Claysville

Looking for your next favorite book? A trip to Claysville might have you covered for your next go-to story. On Saturday, April 10, the Little House of Books opened its doors for business on Main Street in Claysville. The store, which is family-owned and operated, is roughly a 30-minute drive from the campus of Waynesburg … Continue reading

Center for Coalfield Justice to hold seed swap event

On Sunday, April 2, the Center for Coalfield Justice (CCJ) will hold its second annual seed swap at its main offices in Washington. The event provides an opportunity for people in the area to get free seeds or donate ones that they no longer need.  According to Kristen Locy, the outreach coordinator for CCJ, this … Continue reading

Greene County gets spooky

Ghouls, ghosts, goblins and more. What else could the guests at the third annual Southwestern Pennsylvania Haunted Conference want? On Saturday, March 19, fans of the paranormal came together at the EQT Rec Center in Waynesburg to attend the conference.  Organized by Greene County local and author Kevin Paul, the conference featured five presentations given … Continue reading

New group takes flight at Greene County Airport

Airport Restaurant set to reopen soon  The Greene County Airport is home to several aviation opportunities, and it just welcomed one more this spring. According to a press release issued by the Greene County Commissioners, the Pittsburgh Soaring Association recently became the newest tenant at the Greene County Airport. Mike Belding, Greene County Commissioner, expressed … Continue reading

Greene County 2022 event calendar released

The Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency’s event calendar for 2022 is available on the agency’s website:  According to JoAnne Marshall, director of the Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency, there are at least two new events coming to the county this year. The first is Greene County United Way’s “food fight,” a contest between local … Continue reading