Chamber of Commerce opens scholarship applications

The Greene County Chamber of Commerce is offering two scholarships to local students who are looking to attend school. The scholarships called the Greene County Chamber of Commerce Educational Fund and the Rotary Scholarship, have deadlines that close in mid-April. Both scholarships have been around for decades and renew annually. Melody Longstreth, executive director of … Continue reading

What’s going on in Greene County (2/27/23)

Students hold “Tuff Puff” volleyball tournament Students from Jefferson-Morgan and Carmichaels school districts have come together to hold a “Tuff Puff” volleyball tournament. The event takes place on Friday, March 3. Doors open at 5:30, and volleyball games start at 6:30 in the Jefferson-Morgan high school gym. The matches will be Jefferson-Morgan boys vs Carmichaels … Continue reading

Foodbank Closing Out Cooking Lessons

     Corner Cupboard Foodbank has served as the primary food distributor for Franklin Township and Greene County for years, providing “regular monthly food boxes to individuals facing food insecurity in our county,” according to the website.  One of the noted regular events that the organization has been putting on is a weekly cooking class, organized by … Continue reading

Local libraries add electronic lockers

Have you ever finished a book on a Friday afternoon and can’t make it to the library before closing time for a new one? Local libraries in Greene County are taking the steps to curb those problems one book at a time. While students at Waynesburg University were away for winter break, the Eva K. … Continue reading

Local historical site featured in Travel Channel series

The Greene County Historical Society was recently featured in an episode of the paranormal show “Kindred Spirits” that aired on Jan. 20.  Kindred Spirits is a television show starring Amy Bruni and Adam Berry as they take on “emotional and terrifying cases” to help distraught families according to Travel Channel’s website, One of its … Continue reading

What’s going on in Greene County

Aviation club holds monthly meeting SOAR of Greene County will be holding its monthly meeting on Tuesday. Feb. 7. According to the Visit Greene events page, this aviation club,  “is working to promote aviation and make it available to the community and the next generation of future aviators!” The club welcomes “anyone with a love … Continue reading