Senior Spotlight: Kalansky to continue her literature journey

“An exceptional student,” said Dr. Jamie Dessart, chairperson for the Department of English and Foreign Language, as she described working with senior English literature major Elizabeth Kalansky over the past four years. Her freshman year, Kalansky was set on studying English literature, however she had her doubts about her choice in school. “I debated transferring … Continue reading

Senior Spotlight: Whipkey begins teaching career in his hometown of Waynesburg

Waynesburg native Tyler Whipkey made his experience at Waynesburg University worthwhile, leaving his mark in the Department of English and Foreign Languages. Whipkey graduated in December as an English literature major with the secondary education certification option. His goal: to become a teacher. “I have wanted to be a teacher since I was eight years … Continue reading

Senior Spotlight: Setbacks can lead to success

Nursing major switched to communication sophomore year, graduates two years later

One of the hardest, yet most important lessons senior communication major Malarie Yoder learned during her time at Waynesburg University is that having a plan sometimes does not mean anything.  “There are other things out there that God is leading you to, and you have to understand that God is making the plan for you,” … Continue reading